October 19, 2018
From Your Elders
Your Board and Elders have been working together to sharpen WBC’s mission, vision and values to make them focussed and more easily remembered. Watch for information about the work they’ve done thus far and about opportunities for input in the new year.
Whitby Baptist Women
Monday, October 22, 2018
7:00 pm
Worship Centre
Topic: Operation Christmas Child
Come prepared to report on your Fast from Criticism!
Community Outreach Research
Join us Thursday, November 8th at 6:30pm for dessert, and to hear the results of WBC’s Community Outreach Research project. There will be a Q&A following the presentation as together we consider the proposals being presented.
Advent Prayer
An Advent Christmas preparation prayer meeting
Title: Come Expecting
Location: Lounge
Time: 11am-12pm
Dates: Thursdays
November 8, 15, 22, 29
Hamburger Helper
Tuna Helper
Boxed Rice
1 Litre Juice
UpLink Small Groups
Make your connection!
Groups begin week of October 21
Durham Christian Homes (200 Glen Hill Drive South, Whitby, ON) is once again having its annual Fall Bazaar on Saturday, November 3 from 9am to 1pm.
Any items you would like to donate are gladly accepted; please contact David Tigchelaar if you would like to volunteer. We hope to see you there!
Ontario Shores Gift Bags Update
Due to your generous donations, we now have enough socks and wash cloths for our gift bags. Thank you!
If you are able to contribute, we are still in need of 75 toothbrushes.
Please contribute to this long running effort to bring cheer to those often forgotten. Please place donations in the brown hamper in the foyer. If you have any questions, contact Brad Lockner.
Intercessory Prayer
Monday, November 5th
in the community room
7:30-8:30 pm
Please join us for prayer; may we not take this opportunity for granted!
Opportunities for the Upcoming Week
Sunday, October 21st
CORE @ Scott’s-7:00pm
Monday, October 22nd
Whitby Baptist Women-7:00pm
Tuesday, October 23rd
Worship Practice-7:00pm
Wednesday, October 24th
Saturday, October 27th
Men’s Breakfast-8:30am